A script library, teleprompter, and publishing to help you record videos for your clients
Interested in increasing conversion rates by 80%? How about increasing email open rates by 19%?
That’s the growth potential you’ll have with video marketing.
That’s the power of Bodewell.

Engage, retain, and nurture with video.
Bodewell's script library, teleprompter wizardry, and publishing magic are your secret sauce for crafting compelling and on-point video messages! By sharing personalized videos, you're not just building credibility; you're dishing out engaging, enlightening content that clients trust.

Script. Record. Share. (Yes. We made it that easy.)
Browse or search and choose from dozens of industry-specific topics, each with a fully prepared, compliance reviewed, and easy-to-edit scripts. Or write your own! Each comes with a ready-to-rock, compliance-vetted script that's a breeze to tweak.

Easily edit and customize prepared scripts, or create your own, then go straight to reading and recording your video.
Once you’ve created your video, it’s yours to share! Share it via email, publish it on Facebook, social media, YouTube, LinkedIn and on your website. Then, you can do it all again.

Sharing thought leadership and content using video not only positions you as an expert in your field, but also adds value for your viewers, lets you be present in their daily lives, and builds their trust and confidence in you.
Get lifetime access to Bodewell today!
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to Bodewell
- You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
- All future No Scripts Plan updates
- Please note: This deal is not stackable
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it's right for you!