Botgate AI Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 92 questions

Q: It seems that Borgate.

ai has closed its doors. Their website is offline and the chatbot on my websites stopped. Did anyone get a notification from them?

RobitPLUSFeb 23, 2024
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Q: Using this on a web page is optional?

How do people use this other than on a website?
How does the contacts limit of 1500 or 5000 work because it if works anything like recording a history and collecting emails then these numbers or limits as smaller than what Constant Contact or mail chimp offer nearly for free... so how do you measure this and is it possible that I can retain NO history in the bot and have 1500 bots working on this TIER 1 deal... all at the same time on various sites, and they keep no history so that I do not go over this tier's limit but just answer questions online and to everyone (almost without limit) with unlimited bots (almost) and use that approach? Let me know how this does not work or what I am missing here because I would like to know how to maximize the efficiency here. I look forward to your reply. Thank you!

P2PLUSNov 25, 2022
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Q: I have collected custom information in "Collect Custom Data" and want to send it to someone at the company in ...

an email using the info they entered. I've selected "sys.text" and called the Attribute "OtherInfo" but after reading the help docs I'm not sure I have done this properly.

myuillPLUSAug 29, 2022
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Q: You have stated that botgate is GDPR compliant.

Is there a named, dated and signed DPA (data protection agreement) available?
I cannot see how to delete individual chats, and how to delete contacts. There does not appear to be any delete functionality within the interface.
To be GDPR compliant, I would need to be able to delete data, but cannot see any references to GDPR or deletion process in the help files at botgate.
Please can you explainhow to do that and how to get a signed DPA?
Thank you

8872c6deb1f14149a214f8306a42bfedPLUSJul 31, 2022
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Q: Love this so far!

Will purchase more codes before LTD expires.

Is there any way to disable video downloads in the chat? We'll add pre-recorded video explanations and answers from our team, but I don't want them to be downloaded by the user.

Will there be more customization features in the future? We'd like to be able to change some other design elements to match branding on each of our sites.

Awesome so far and easy to use. Generous limits for what we need. Thank you! :)

sarah044PLUSJun 1, 2022
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