Q: Hi, This looks interesting. I am working on building a CRM and data documents for my business in Google sheets
Would like to know:
1. Which ai models do you support and when can we expect deepseek to be added
2. Can you search through revision history as we have change data for clients as the project/sale moves ahead?
3. Can you treat all google sheets/Pdfs in 1 google drive folder with a particular prefix to the name of the sheets/PDF's to relate them as a single source of data for a project/sale.

Mar 14, 2025A: Currently it's GPT-4, 40, 40 mini. The pricing for the Deepseek chat model isn't that much more competitive than OpenAI. Their reasoning model is where the price savings come in, but we're not currently using any reasoning models with Botsheets (yet). The prefix thing won't do anything. The way it works now:
1. You can connect a Google Sheet, we read the data in the first worksheet.
2. You can connect an unlimited number of Google Sheets to a single chatbot.
3. When you connect a Google Sheet, you describe the data source and the chatbot will decide based on your description of the data whether to use that as a response.
We have data retrieval system that works exactly like a database, so the bot can search for records and generate a data-base driven response, but you can also enable "Semantic Search" and it will generate a response from your Google Sheet data the same way you would upload a PDF, or scrape a webpage with Botsheets and create a knowlege base.
I think very soon, we might use the DeepSeek reasoning model to correlate data across spreadsheets, so instead the bot picking from a spreadsheet which one to use for the response, it determines it's response by looking at data across all of the connected Google Sheets to the bot.