Q: multiple worksheets

I have data in multiple worksheets in a Google Sheet, including relatable data such as products, orders, leads, refunds, follow-ups, and accounts, which I use as a database for my CRM. If the bot sheet can't handle multiple worksheets, it won't serve my purpose for purchasing. Any suggestions?

Using a single worksheet for an AI chatbot is not suitable for small businesses. If we can obtain the best chatbots, we can easily feed this data to them. I have used it as well. That's where Botsheet comes in, with multi-workspace and relational data capability. If that's not your unique selling proposition, how will this tool survive the wave?

FoxidotPLUSMar 13, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 13, 2025

A: Just realized I commented on this on another thread, but AS is prompting me for a response here.
- You can connect multiple Google Sheets to a single chatbot and there is no limit. Describe the data source when you connect it and the bot will choose the best one for the response. We have RAG system so it retrieves data like a database, but you can enable semantic search in Settings and it will search data in the sheet like any other doc source. As for creating a relationship between multiple sheets, we'll explore adding a Reasoning model to Botsheets. That wasn't available previously, but it's possible to for the bot to make some logical assumptions by analyzing data across multiple sheets.
- Regarding the survival part, We've been in enabling chatbots since 2020 long before the AI hype train and we have 1000's of customers. There are like 100+ chatbot tools on the market. I don't think many of them will survive. As a company we're a multi-product company and we're focused on use-cases for apps built on top of Sheets. We just added access to our Insights product to Tier 3 which turns spreadsheets into Google Slides presentations in 1-click. We're the only ones doing that at the moment. We're different than most of the cloners you see on AppSumo.

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