Q: Still learning the ropes here, I love working with this bot by faaaar.
Is there a way I can integrate the Google sheet with Google Calendar or Calendly invites? Can we create a "Are you still there?" message that pops up after inactivity? Any help on this end would be awesome.

May 14, 2024A: Welcome! A direct calendar integration isn't on our roadmap because our focus is on the spreadsheet as a data source, but I am sure there are tools like Zapier that will write data from a calendar app, or Calendly to Google Sheets, then we can read it. Also, some people just put a link to their Calendly as a "Key Data Input" field (a data source type for Botsheets). So you would have "Meetings" as the key data point, and a link to your Calendly as the description for the data point. Then, when someone wants to book something with you, the bot will respond and provide the link.
A pop up message with inactivity isn't a feature right now.
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1. User Guide - https://support.botsheets.com/docs/introduction
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hi the discord link isn't working. is there another link?
hi the discord link isn't working. is there another link?
Discord invite update: https://discord.gg/5zfQyCf6Y3