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Member since: Apr 2022Deals bought: 1
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 26, 2022

Good but can be better if...

they increase the Tier 1 by at least 5 more members. Right now, 16 seems limiting as we cannot share with others out of my company with an external link/url. So it's not quite share friendly.

A pity cos Videos are meant to be shared.

The UI is simple and easy to understand.
Videos are easy to record and render.
Storage is generous.

16 team members for Tier 1. Essentially, we are forced to buy Tier 2.
Cannot share link with "outsiders"

I see some other team copying this idea (they always do) and come to Appsumo with more generous limits later on so for that reason, I'm hesitate in upgrading to Tier 2.

So unless limits change, buy at your own risk.
