Brilliant Directories - Plus Exclusive

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Q: Can we use another font for the website?

I would like to use Inter. This is a popular sans-serif typeface designed for optimal legibility on screens of all sizes, often chosen for its clean and modern look that enhances readability across different devices.

ayd.one7PLUSAug 11, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 11, 2024

A: Thanks for your questions and for taking the time to check us out.

BD includes over 800+ Google fonts you can choose to use on your site, including popular options like Inter:


If you want to use custom fonts or fonts from other sources, you can easily reference those fonts in the HEAD of your site and add the necessary CSS rules. There’s no restriction on the choice of font you can use, so whether you go with one of the 800+ Google fonts or bring in a custom font family, you have full flexibility to style your site exactly as you like.

Please let us know if you have any more questions - always happy to help!

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