BugReporting Questions

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 questions

Q: What a fantastic product!

Some questions:

On your website there is a mention of Zapier integration, this will be included?

There is a cap of unique visitors sessions recordings/month was not sure what that refers to - I have an idea but would like a clear answer, please.


TaePLUSJun 6, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey

Zapier is already live and already included :)

The cap is for the number of recordings, however, if you integrate your own GSheets, the uploads are unlimited :)


Q: Hi there, The tool looks really interesting but I also find that 80 is pretty low in a fairly normal Q&A / ...

Test session with 10 to 20 users that would be eaten up in no time. Is there an option to increase this by stacking and if not what is the cost for us once we reach that limit?


ansuprPLUSMay 20, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey thanks for the question mate

For now we've got these limits, we might update them in the future

However if you'd like you could add your Google Drive integration and have unlimited videos


Q: I have a question about the "80 detailed recordings per month Unlimited integrations (Trello, Jira, Asana, Slack)".

This limit only applies to "Screen + Audio" and "Screen only". What about the "Draw on Screen" feature? Is the "Draw on Screen" function unlimited or is "Draw on Screen" included in the 80 limit?

luziMar 7, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey

Thanks for the message, yes this applies to the draw on-screen feature too :)


Q: It says you have a Jira integration but I don't see one for your company on their marketplace.

What am I missing?

brandon76Feb 24, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey!

We've got an integration set up, not necessarily a listing on the market place!


Q: 1.

Do you have integration for Plutio?
2. Can I choose which video hosting, example youtube instead of your own video hosting?
3. Do you have team member privilege setting?

yaskurDec 25, 2020
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey Yaskur!

Thanks for the notes and great questions

Our roadmap's here covering the integration with Plutio (https://bugreporting.frill.co/roadmap)

Yes you can RE hosting, we've added GDrive for now which means unlimited (limited to your hosting capacity) video recordings

Team privileges are also well along the way :)
