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Member since: Jul 2024Deals bought: 125
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Oct 14, 2024

Easy way to create beautiful or funny icons

I just bought the tool a few days ago for 2 purposes: create great favicons for my websites, and build images and icons for web content. So what's my experience so far?

- The UI is mostly clear and easy to use.
- The icons look great and match the style selected.
- Downloading icons is simple and fast.

Might be improved:
- When starting icons to generate, it takes time. That's okay. However, sometimes I was not sure if it started, and what the status was. It slightly irritated me a bit more having created icons of one styling, and now adding another oine in another style. The already generatwed ones stayed on the page (good; data not lost), but was actually something going on? Let me suggest to either open a new page on each render request, or put a sticky "I am rendering something" on top of the screen. So it's easy to spot that something is going in.
- The icon files have names like "sg-85f6d0e4-0dde-45b2-862e-4ced973d78ad.png". Yes, it's certainly unique. But when generating icons in 4 different styles, which file refers to what? Maybe the file names could be contain info an the icon or the style, so I can figure out which is which without opening erach and renaming them manually.

Overall, it's a great tool, and I would recommend it. Before you buy, however, think about how many icons you need over time because there is no free "preview and drop if you don't like" mode. That's definitely okay for the price; just choose wisely...

Founder Team


Oct 15, 2024

Thank you for the great review, drbuehne! We're glad you're enjoying the tool for creating favicons and icons. We appreciate your suggestions and are taking them into consideration as we continue to improve the tool. Thanks again for the recommendation, and we hope it continues to be helpful for your projects!
