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    Your no-code solution for enterprise reliable AI Q&A chatbots or seasonal assistants

    Create your own ChatGPT-like chatbot by using your data.

    It's super easy! No coding required!

    You can share it or embed it as a widget -- and to everywhere.

    Everybody can chat with it.

    Introducing: ChatOfAI.


    too long didn't read
    Create and customize chatbots to suit your every need
    Handle user queries or provide information on specific topics better than ever before



    It's never been easier to create your own ChatGPT-like chatbot -- thanks to ChatOfAI.

    Load data from your documents and feed into chatbots.

    Easily and efficiently load data from your documents and feed it to the chatbot.

    Currently we support files (.doc/.docx/.pdf/.txt/.md) and websites (url, sitemap), but we are adding more everyday.

    Train the AI on its content, chat with it, embed it anywhere, and more(like Slack).

    Ask questions to your chatbots via natural language.

    The chatbot can give you an answer based on the fed data.

    If the answer is not contained in the data, the chatbot will not make up an answer.

    Instead, it will say "I don't know."

    Easily and efficiently load data directly into the chatbot.

    Chat with your chatbot from everywhere.

    Make your chatbot public so you can share it or embed it as an iFrame or widget to everywhere.

    Users do not have to sign up to chat with the chatbot.

    Or, you can keep it private -- then only you can access it.

    Our chatbots are sophisticated and savvy.

    Customize your AI chatbots.

    Powered by your data and ChatGPT, you'll be astounded at just how much you'll be able to use ChatOfAI to revolutionize your business.

    It all starts with a single click.

    Whether public or private, you'll love the power you have with your new chatbots.

    Get access to ChatOfAI today!


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