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Member since: May 2015Deals bought: 148
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Aug 28, 2023

Be careful, patience may yield results.

Ok, there's a lot to like about this product. Cadences are easy to set up, configuring email settings is straightforward, and filtering contacts is uncomplicated. I had raised one question with support, and Rupali was responsive.

However, the email data needs to be more accurate, even with the platform verification. The hard bounce rate was brutal. I even used Reoon email verifier (another AppSumo deal), which performed no better than the built-in Clodura email verifier. Also, we were strict about who we sent emails to and never sent them to 'guessed emails,' a category on the platform.

Here's a breakdown of numbers from a B2B campaign started 12 days ago:

484 emails sent
Open rate 17.98%
Unsubscribes 0.41%
Average Hard Bounce 9.3%

We only emailed on weekdays. The hard bounce rate was a lot higher, 16-17%, but fell back because the second email in the cadence was sent out in recent days, which was only hitting email addresses that were 100% good and had received an email previously.

Our email provider banned our domain today. It wasn't the main business domain but a similar-sounding domain chosen for this scenario. I was prepared for an eventual ban, but this was stomped on much quicker than expected.

So, is this product usable? Maybe, if you use free burner emails (Gmail) to cut through all the rubbish emails before sending from a more professional-looking custom domain. The next test is to see if this theory works.

Conclusion: Be careful, but with patience and the correct setup, this might yield results for those on a budget.
