CloudSocial Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 69 questions

Q: Hey guys!

I have a question about the email as a channel feature. Can you tell me more about the specific features associated with this. I'm trying to determine if I can use this feature as lightweight email support ticket system/CRM, rather than using something like ZohoDesk or Freshdesk. My main concerns are being able to keep track of ticket threads, close them out as they are resolved and possibly some how save the sender's info, past email history, and my private notes so I know who I'm dealing with on future contact. Am I asking for too much? Hey, you came up with the whole email as a channel thing. Don't blame me for dreaming big! Haha. 😁


STEVE.SOLERNov 18, 2020
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024


You can definitely manage your support tickets by adding email as a channel in CloudSocial.

We would like to walk you through the capabilities, please click the link below to pick a slot as per your convenience to schedule the walk-through.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to



Q: Hi Sorry to talk about a competitor, Socialbee, but as I stacked with them, I would like to know if it's worth for me to buy yours ...


What are your features that they do not offer, and what are their features that you do not offer?
Many thanks and all the best for the deal

PatriciaBTNov 15, 2020
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi PatriciaBT,

CloudSocial is an All-in-One Social Media Management Platform. Some of the unique offerings are:

1. Unified Omnibox : Apart from publishing, you can respond to audience's messages, tweets, posts and emails through a unified console

2. Email as a Channel : Another unique feature is that the emails can be responded through CloudSocial along-with the social comments/messages



Q: When I click to try and connect it to facebook it says I need to request access from you to able to use it?

How in the heck do I get support for this and get it to connect?

MatKoenigPLUSNov 10, 2020
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi RockstarDesigns,

We are currently facing technical issues with Facebook & Instagram integration. Our team is working on it to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Thank you for your patience.

For further assistance and information you may reach out to



Q: Hello CS!

Can I publish in Linkedin Product Showcase Pages or just company pages?

I would like to add interest in content categories. We use it all the time with Publer and it is a fantastic feature you should implement.


nbarataPLUSNov 8, 2020
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi nbarata,

Currently you can only publish on Linkedin company pages. However, we will evaluate your suggestions and may add them to our roadmap basis the no. of users requesting for it.

If you have any further queries please reach out to our support team at and we would be glad to assist you.



Q: Hello, 1.

are your TOOLS GDPR compliant?

Pls do not sent me to your privacy poilcy page. There you only explain how you handle data from website visitor.

I wanna know how you handle personal data within the tool.
You collect and process private data and for this you have to be GDPR compliant in the EU.

2. Do you have a data processing contract for GDPR compliance?

3. Where do you store the data? How are passwords stored - encrypted?


6ce1e4ce737f4f9d8a8837824fd5007eNov 3, 2020
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Sumo-ling,

We do not store confidential customer data. Social media credentials are validated by respective social networks while connecting to CloudSocial.

CloudSocial is hosted on AWS to ensure high level of security, availability, and redundancy.

CloudSocial's payment and billing engine is GDPR and PCI DSS Level 1 compliant.

If you have any further queries please reach out to our...
