
    Lifetime deal

    Use this productivity app to sharpen your focus and intelligently plan out daily tasks

    We’ve all tried to finish that one task on our plate with 10 unrelated tabs open at the same time. (“I’m keeping them open just in case...I get bored again.”)

    With attention spans only getting shorter in today’s world, focusing on a single task takes more brain power than ever before.

    That’s why you need a productivity app with a specialized AI model for ADHD to help you reclaim your concentration and get more stuff done.

    Meet Comigo.


    too long didn't read
    Turn brain dumps into actionable tasks with intelligent task planning, scheduling, sequencing, and prioritization
    Take advantage of an AI assistant, mentor, and coach to reduce impulsivity, inattention, and forgetfulness


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    Comigo is a cognitive AI Assistant that can turn brain dumps into actionable tasks, increase overall focus, and provide mentorship.

    Comigo lets you chat with the AI Voice Assistant as a friend or mentor, in order to improve your focus and confidence.

    You’ll be able to ask real questions and get personalized advice from your new AI voice and text companion.

    It can even create actionable tasks out of ideas, goals, and brain dumps, so staying organized doesn’t feel like a chore.

    AI Voice and Text Companion

    Chat with your own AI Voice Assistant for judgment-free advice and task planning.

    Comigo’s AI Co-Brain is a digital coach that offers intelligent task planning, scheduling, sequencing, and prioritization, keeping you focused and effective.

    Thanks to Focus Mode, you’ll be able to concentrate on a single task without stressing over the rest of your to-do list.

    But if you’re interrupted, just let the AI Co-Brain know and it will automatically reschedule your tasks, so you’re not falling behind on projects.

    You can also gamify your day with positive reinforcement and rewards to turn work into an opportunity for self-improvement.

    AI Co-Brain

    Use your own AI Co-Brain to complete tasks today and prepare for the days ahead.

    ComigoAI was designed with ADHD folks in mind, which means you'll get your own digital mentor.

    You’ll be able to gain insights about your habits while tracking your progress and measuring improvement over time.

    This self-training AI constantly evolves to help you make long-lasting changes, so you’re continually leveling up.

    AI Cognitive Enhancement Model

    Learn more about yourself and measure progress with the AI Cognitive Enhancement Model.

    With all these AI-powered features packed into one awesome deal, you can finally change the way you work!

    Now you'll be able to improve focus, flow, and productivity while learning how to minimize your time blindness.

    Comigo even breaks down projects and provides candid feedback on your ideas, just like a real coach or mentor would.

    Productivity app

    Get more done in our increasingly distracting world with this AI-powered productivity app.

    You only have to fall into one TikTok rabbit hole to know it’s really easy to get distracted. (“And here I thought there was only one kind of ice.”)

    Luckily, Comigo uses AI to help you stay focused, organized, and productive every day—whether you have ADHD or just need to get off your phone.

    Unlock your cognitive potential.

    Get lifetime access to Comigo today!

    From the founders

    10/19 Product Update

    UPDATE 🚀👇

    Thanks to all of the feedback from the many Sumo-lings who have purchased a lifetime deal for Comigo, we have made fixes to address 3 key issue brought to our attention:

    1. Sign up/in with Google is now properly working. As is sign up/in with email.

    2. The task list being inadvertently deleted when discussing tasks with Comigo in chat has been fixed.

    3. Some of the redundancy in the chat responses from Comigo have been fixed.

    As a reminder, over the coming weeks we are launching major new features and refinements. And we’re launching a mobile version for iPhone and Android, as well as Apple Watch.

    Your lifetime deal purchase will cover all of the future new features and updates to Comigo.

    Thank you Sumo-lings for your patience and faith in what we are doing at Comigo 

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