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Member since: Aug 2020Deals bought: 130
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 3, 2023

Not bad at all!

Few things will make it a killer.
1. Option to open it as a separate tab. Therefore, it will be possible to make it work like a native app with its icon, etc. I do not always use chrome.
2. Responsiveness to resize as I please.
3. Local LLM support for those who have a powerful enough computer. Because I don't want Microsoft to have my data.
4. Access to my calendar, reminders, etc.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hello Conrad_K,

Thank you much for the review!

1,2 & 4 are in the works in our roadmap. As is a mobile app. #3 is something we're thinking about but have not made a decision on yet.

Thanks again!
