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Posted: Nov 15, 2023

Import feature

I already had 3 codes and I just bought another. I used the import feature and I was unpleasantly surprised by two things:

1) you mention the number of rows in your offer as a limit but you don't mention that the limit is actually on the number of imports. I imported just once, as a test, with 4 rows. I tried to import again and got the message that I had reached the limits of the import options!

2) I used different topics like leadership, mind training en meditation and got totally unrelated blog output about renewable energy, technology & education, and some other topics I never mentioned in the CSV.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

1) Apologies for the confusion regarding this. The number of "rows" refers to the max number of rows that you are allowed to have in your CSV file that you will import.

We do also have limits for the number of imports allowed to be created at once, thus please see the below:
1 - 6 codes stacked allow for '1' import (50 rows each) to be created at a time
7 - 10 codes stacked allow for '10' imports (500 rows each) to be created at a time

As you mentioned that you receive a message that says you have reached your import limit, you may simply delete your previous import and then you may create another import.

2) Upon looking into this further, you used a prompt yet failed to define some of the variables, leading the AI off into a pretty confused direction. Your prompt: Create a blog post about "Top trends in leadership,Informative,"personal development, creativity, flow, trends". Write it in a "

" tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. Use very creative titles for the blog post. Add a title for each section. Ensure there are a minimum of 9 sections. Each section should have a minimum of two paragraphs. Include the following keywords: "

". Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words and add it to the end of the blog post.
