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Member since: Oct 2018Deals bought: 389
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 9, 2023

Brief: Get this if you have 1 or more customers

Most reviewers tend to take a very wide look at the apps they recommend, me included, but not for Deskfirst!

It does so much and any attempt to fit it all in, will miss the one most obvious benefit this system offers... it will help convert a customer to a client, faster than I can read this sentence. The magic isn't just in the features, though they are all there, or in the integration of said features, though that's taken care of as well.

No, the real magic is the graphical genius that went into making every little bit simply beautiful and trust me, beauty sells! It all works and to call the interface "Sexy" way understates the affect it will bring to whatever you are pitching. My advice "Get Deskfirst and the sex will follow".

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Wow, one of the most motivating feedback we've received, seeing our dream goal becoming a reality, amazing!
