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Member since: Oct 2011Deals bought: 5
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Sep 8, 2023

No updates and no response on discord.

This product was good a year ago. Now almost all the packages are deprecated, and there has been no update to Next13, or Tailwind, or any other things which was promised on the landing page and here.

For me, this lifetime deal was good for 3 months as I was counting on all the upgrades.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey there, apologies for the lack of updates. I just finally got all our integrations up to date and added a new Tailwind template. Right now this is available via our private Github repo, but will be making their way into the main web app soon. The repo gives you a fully up-to-date codebase for your preferred stack and lets you see a clean diff of all the changes so you can update an existing project.. If you'd like access to the Github repo feel free to email and let me know your Github username.
