Q: Hi, a red flag for me is that Docsie is 6 years plus old and has been shut down and relaunched twice already.

My questions:
1. What makes this 3rd relaunch different?
2. Your a bootstrapped company so funding is tight, besides being on AppSumo what other plans do you have for long-term funding?
3. And how will you grow the subscription base?
4. As mention by someone already how has your pricing plans been market-fit & price-fit tested?
5. Is Docsie currently a self-sustaining business?
6. How big (paying customers) is the current subscription base?

Chargebee and the 15 year max sub needs a definite auto renewal system that perpetually renews every 15 years as standard.

Sumo_MeisterPLUSSep 15, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 15, 2024

A: Thank you for your thoughtful questions! This relaunch brings several key improvements based on feedback and past learnings. As a company, we have strategies to ensure long-term growth and sustainability. Our pricing has been shaped by both market research and customer feedback to stay competitive. Docsie is currently self-sustaining with a steadily growing subscription base, and we're confident that our auto-renewal system will effectively handle long-term needs. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

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