
    1 year deal

    Effortlessly sign documents and get signatures from others in a legal and secure process

    Stop wasting time emailing signers, printing copies, and faxing paper.

    Use DottedSign to securely eSign your agreements, sales contracts, lease agreements, permission slips, and more.

    Just import your document, assign signers, and sign with your mobile, tablet or PC!


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    Sign anytime anywhere with desktop, iPhone, or Android
    In-person signing (iPad) or remote signing, plus unlimited invites to e-sign your documents



    Dotted Sign is set up for success across all industries.

    DottedSign simplifies the process of remote business by automating your document delivery.

    You can track progress by checking each signers’ status.

    Notifications and reminders will be sent to related parties by the server to keep everyone on the same page.

    E-Sign your documents securely with your phone, tablet, or PC.

    DottedSign uses a high-level identity authentication and signature validation to all signed documents with digital certificates issued by an AATL supported CA.

    Ensure confidentiality of paperless signing, encrypted by TLS/SSL, AES-256 and RSA-2048.

    Check signer status with visual status bar.

    Create and Capture Signatures

    Whether signing documents remotely, on the go, or face-to-face with clients, DottedSign enables signatures anytime, anywhere.

    Automated Workflow

    Automatically move the deals forward with the real-time signer status and system notifications.

    Digital trail records show who does what and at what time.

    Create Reusable Templates

    Create sign-ready templates from standard documents — employee agreements, NDAs, proposals and more.

    Team Management

    Admin console centralizes document control, enabling unified task management for all team members.

    AATL compatible Digital Certificate ensures document integrity.

    Permission Control

    Set document access levels for members using default or custom roles.

    Advanced Security

    Heighten trust with AATL authorized digital certificates and transparent audit trails for every signed document.

    Simplify your signing process.

    Get access to DottedSign today!

    From the founders

    November 05, 2020

    Hello Sumo-Lings!

    My name is Albert and I’m the Business Developer Director at Kdan Mobile! I’m so excited to launch DottedSign on AppSumo and it is my pleasure to share with you a little bit about DottedSign, the e-sign solution every business should have.

    Electronic signatures have been around for a while and I bet quite a few of us have signed a document online at least once in their life. How did it make you feel? There was no need to go anywhere in person, waste paper, look for a pen, print, and sign followed by a scan to share it later. It’s at least 5 steps to this ordeal, and in my opinion, that’s too many steps. All this can be avoided when you’re using an e-signature service like DottedSign.

    Imagine having to sign a lease for your new office and it’s not just you who has to sign it, it’s three other team members as well. With DottedSign, there’s no need to go anywhere at all, meet face-to-face, gather in crowded places (a thing we’re all trying to do right now). None of this has to happen.

    With our app, you simply import the lease (or any document that needs to be signed), from your cloud storage, assign the signing tasks to three (or more) of your team members, share it with them, and track the signing process from the comfort of your home. It’s fast, easy, and most importantly a really secure way to get documents signed. With 3 different encryptions, an audit trail, and notifications of who signed the document and when. It all happens within one app or your laptop. If one of the signers is delaying their signing assignment, just send them a reminder. That’s it.

    DottedSign allows your business to function quickly, automating the signing progress that otherwise would take way too much of your and your colleagues’ time.

    Now let’s see what makes DottedSign a must-have e-sign solution for your business:

    Signing task automation - Spend less time tracking down signatures and more time on your other, mission-critical, tasks.

    Real-time progress tracking - Use the visualized progress bar to check on who has and hasn’t signed the documents yet

    Signature validation and identity authentication - digital certificates issued by an AATL (Adobe Approved Trust Lists) authorized CA

    Universal access to DottedSign - Simply register a DottedSign account and enjoy universal access via web and mobile (including iOS, Android, PC, and tablets).

    Audit trail - keep track of who signed the document and where, as well as what time and the platform used

    User - friendly - takes little time to figure the ins and outs

    It’s a green way to sign documents - save trees and sign paperlessly. In other words, you’re not wasting paper!

    DottedSign will not only free up your time and keep track of all your signing tasks , it will let you focus on other critical tasks at hand wherever you are. And that’s a wonderful thing.

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