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5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 12, 2024

Almost Perfect (Just Needs Customizable Usernames)

Emailit has been a breath of fresh air for my email integration needs. Setting up the API was incredibly easy, and the user interface is clean and intuitive. It simply works, delivering emails reliably and efficiently, exactly what I need.

One suggestion for future improvement would be the ability to customize the username when creating new credentials. Some platforms I integrate with require specific username formats for SMTP, and having that flexibility would be incredibly helpful.

Overall, Emailit is a powerful and user-friendly email API that I highly recommend to any developer looking for a streamlined solution.

Although it's almost perfect but I'd still give it a 5 tacos review.

Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

Hey there,

Thank you for such a great feedback! We really appreciate it :-)

You should be able to use any username for SMTP for now. So go ahead and try it!
