Q: Unknown workspaces after invite
First of all, I love, love, LOVE Facepop! And I really want to share that love.
But, I came across a couple of issues:
I created a workspace and send an invitation to test the seat option.
1. In the invitation email it did not say which workspace they were invited to.
2. When logged in, you also could not see the name of the workspace they just got invited to, just "My workspace"
So if a seat member asks a question, they cannot name the workspace they are in.
Also, under subscriptions, they could see my billing information (Tier 2) I would like to keep that information private?
Can these things be fixed?
Jan 7, 2025A: Hi BarbRoos, thank you for the amazing suggestions!
I will make sure to update them today as they seem small but have a big impact!
I will let you know with a comment once the changes are live!
Verified purchaser
Wow, thank you Fatos, can't wait!
Hi BarbRoos, the requested updates are now live!
1) The workspace name is now displayed in the invitation email.
2) You can now see the name of your active workspace at: https://app.facepop.io/workspace/collaborate
3) All billing information has been removed for non-admin workspace users.
Thank you for helping make FacePop better with these ideas!
Verified purchaser
That is really fast, you are awesome Fatos, again, thank you! Might I make a user experience request? It would be great to also see the name of the workspace in the dashboard, on top. Maybe next to the profile? And when you go to Facepops, you also see "Workspace Facepop", but not the workspace you're in. And/or rename it to video's?
Hi BarbRos, the "Workspace FacePop" refers to the active FacePop you're editing, not your account's workspace.
We’ll consider adding visible workspace info. An upcoming menu update should create more room for additional details like the active workspace.
Thank you, we appreciate the suggestions!