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Member since: Oct 2012Deals bought: 235
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Mar 25, 2024

That was Wayyyyy too easy!

One Video, One Audio Feed, One Text Feed... ALL created in less than 20 minutes! This software (so far) is working perfectly. The ONLY thing that is missing, in my humble opinion, is the ability to embed the video and audio forms on my website. That is it! Great job Feedspace team. Make it so I can more easily embed the other forms and you've got a 10 star tool here. In the meantime, you can use the following hack:

Create your own Iframe and add the form URL to the Iframe. I have tested this and it works perfectly! For all my fellow sumolings who would like to know how to accomplish this... here is the code:

<iframe src="INSERT FEEDSPACE FORM URL" width="100%" height="1200" scrolling= "no" style="border:none;" title="Video Feedback"></iframe>

Make sure you test the height to ensure that the user can scroll to the bottom of the page (or) remove the (scrolling= "no") from the above code.

Again... fantastic job Feedspace Team. Keep up the good work!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi Alasandro

You set the example of how to give perfect testimonials and also be helpful to community to teach others what value product can bring! If we would have Feedspace ambassador award, it would go to you!

We are aware about the embed feature request, engineering team is working on full fledged roadmap, and embed is in pipeline.

A lot to build
A lot to share

Feel free to reach out to us for anything

