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Q: Any samples?

Do you have a link where I can check out an actual flipbook in its actual size? I asked because I saw a previous product where the font was extremely tiny and it made it unreadable.


DonCarlo11PLUSNov 25, 2024
Founder Team


Nov 26, 2024

A: Hello,
Sure you can check sample on the website fliplink.me

++ font size depends on the PDF if the size on your pdf is small it will look small.

and for readable documents, we have a document feature where it does not flip, it just scroll.

that is made for project reports and proposals.

I hope that will help.

++ you can sign up for free and it try all the features including CNAME.
Even more we just launched the page wise analytics, where you will know how much time a user spend on your document and on which page.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for your question here.

Sumit :)

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