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Member since: Jan 2024Deals bought: 18
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Aug 23, 2024

Has promise but the application just doesn't work well.

While FocuSee offers a wide range of features and customization options, I found its functionality disappointing, particularly in the areas that matter most to my business. My primary need is to record custom-sized demos of product pages and other assets, but the output results with FocuSee have been extremely poor—so much so that they are unusable.

Despite the initial appeal of its feature set, the inability to effectively use custom size and window recording has been a significant setback. I reached out to support for help but have yet to receive a response, which adds to my frustration.

If FocuSee could deliver on this critical feature, I would gladly incorporate it into my daily workflow. Unfortunately, as it stands, I’m forced to rely on a competing product that better meets my needs.

Founder Team


Aug 26, 2024

Thank you for your feedback. Our team will gradually optimize and update the functions. Please feel free to submit your request on our roadmap. We will evaluate all the requests there and update the status: <>
