One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Increase repeat visitors with custom subscription buttons and useful filters

    Site traffic shouldn’t be a one-way street where visitors stop by for a second and then zoom off forever. (Y’all come back now, ya hear?)

    Even with great content, your site somehow just isn’t the place to be—yet.

    It’s time for a solution that optimizes every step in the funnel to make people come back to your website.



    too long didn't read
    Offer visitors custom options to follow you, including various delivery channels and content filters
    Alternative to: FeedBurner
    Automatically notify subscribers when new posts are published, and check analytics to optimize retention rates
    Best for: Content creators and news sites that consistently publish fresh material and want to boost return traffic

    Overview lets you create subscription forms with options for various delivery channels and content filters to increase repeat traffic.

    Give visitors the heads-up that they can subscribe to your awesome content with a subscription form. gives you a custom subscription form builder with eye-catching icons ready for prime site locations.

    But if you’ve already got a form you like, works just as well with outside options, too.

    Build an engaging subscription form to snag new subscribers and keep the content flowing!

    Once visitors smash that subscribe button like a content-hungry Hulk, they can customize notifications in no time.

    Visitors can pick their own tags, keywords, authors, and even popularity preferences to tailor their experience and increase the likelihood of return visits.

    Subscribers can choose their own filters to tailor content updates to their liking!

    Followers can also choose how to receive updates through the output channels feature.

    Available output channels are email, news page, RSS feeds, and many others are in the pipeline.

    Plus, you can bank on your emails not triggering spam filters thanks to’s advanced email sender reputation. lets you use optimized delivery times and multichannel delivery to maximize the chances of followers opening your messages.

    Followers can choose their delivery channels, including emails, news page, and RSS feeds! also features detailed analytics to ensure that you’re able to keep improving your processes.

    You’ll discover advanced stats on followers that separate subscribers by channel to see where your audience is.

    Then there are sent message statistics that show you how many people actually find their way back to your site. offers a complete picture of how many people follow your feed, and even asks them why they’re unfollowing to grab you some valuable info before they leave.

    Detailed statistics show you which channels subscribers prefer, plus how many return to your site!

    You can’t personally serenade every visitor with “I Want You Back” by The Jackson 5 when they leave your site (definitely keep that one in your pocket for karaoke though).

    But you can let them sign up for notifications on their own terms, boosting the chances that they’ll stick with you and your excellent content.

    Use and let all your visitors find their way back home in a jiffy.

    Get lifetime access to today!

    P.S. Learn how to use like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!

    From the founders

    September 29, 2020

    Hi Sumo-Lings, we’re excited to have our deal live! It’s really a steal :)

    I’m Nick, Director at ( Let me share with you some of the key points.

    We’ve built because websites want traffic, but on average around 70% of visitors never come back. And as every experienced business knows: *retaining* customers is key. Running around with a hole in your bucket won’t get you anywhere in the long run.

    But how do you make them come back? You can offer them to follow you via a newsletter, social media, RSS etc. All fine – but each option has shortcomings (read more about those here

    Therefore, at we optimized the process from A-Z, maximizing chances that visitors come back. We really made a science out of it. See more at

    Our philosophy is to not only make the service great for publishers (by offering various subscription tools, cool analytics etc.) but for readers too (choice of delivery channels, filter options etc.) because if you’re a publisher, and offer what’s cool for readers, you’ll ultimately benefit from it too (by getting more readers)!

    Who is it for? Basically, every blog or website which is publishing content on a frequent or infrequent basis, and wants a zero-effort solution (it’s all automatic!) for updating their followers about the latest content, and making them come back.

    While already offers a lot of features, we’re only getting started. Please check out our product roadmap and upvote the features you’d like to see implemented soon.

    Read more

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