Q: Three questions: 1) can you do date calculations - for instance, asking for a date of birth to confirm the ...

respondent is in the target age range (Today-DOB=x).
2) Can you use conditional logic on calculated fields to show/hide fields based on the calculated value? (if ((X>35) -and (X<60)) then field display = true)
3) Do you support containers so related fields can be grouped together? If so, can entire groups be hidden/displayed based on conditional logic?

CoreyC123PLUSAug 17, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 18, 2024

A: Hello Corey,

1. FormNX inbuilt provides age verification feature, so won't have to do any calculations for this. https://imgur.com/a/7XeparZ

2. You can use conditional logic like the one you mentioned in the conditional fields itself.

3. As of now we don't have support for containers.

I hope this helps.

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