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Member since: Mar 2011Deals bought: 354
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4 stars
Posted: Sep 7, 2023

Valuable, but lacks accuracy just like other AI services

Even though I use Chat GPT 4 and Claude 2 regularly, Gajix is a great tool to learn even quicker.

Since your goal is to help learners, what are you doing to verify the information is accurate? When you can guarantee accuracy, or a higher degree of accuracy than other offerings, that will be a huge selling point.

As an example, I asked Gajix how to make pizza dough from oat flour. It included the following: "Kneading the dough: Transfer the dough onto a clean work surface or a lightly floured board. Begin kneading by folding the dough in half and pushing it away from you with the heel of your hand. Rotate the dough and repeat the process, ensuring efficient mixing of the ingredients and development of gluten."

Of course, the problem is there's no gluten in oat flour. Fact accuracy is very important when learning! Not only did Gajix incorrectly include the mention of gluten, it omitted the fact that pizza dough made with oat flour usually requires a starch as a binder since there is no gluten.

While this is an example of misinformation I picked out, I'm concerned about learning new topics and having facts presented to me incorrectly that I don't know are incorrect.

Thanks for your consideration!
