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Member since: Dec 2021Deals bought: 32
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 4, 2024

Goodbye Zoom, for good!

I just hosted my bi-weekly group coaching call within my membership and the members loved it! I am a psychotherapist and coach.

I created a main room, a meditation room, a co-healing space and they were so impressed, thanks to Gobrunch. I would highly recommend this platform.
My only requests are: Could you please improve the quality of the recordings? Is there a way we could add a camera bubble when presenting slides to make it more personal?
Perhaps I don't know how to record both, the room and the slides at the same time....
Please let me know, but overall, 5 tacos for sure!🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮

Founder Team


Aug 5, 2024

Hey Kaybar, thank you very much for writing this review. Sounds an amazing space. Regarding the recording, we definitely have plans to improve it. Maybe you could try switching to Dynamic or Presentation view first to see which one is more suitable, and using your Presenter Cam instead of the Circle cam. This definitely will make it more personal. Feel free to reach me out if you need any extra help. Cheers.
