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Member since: Oct 2023Deals bought: 18
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 19, 2024

Great and Fun

It's rare for me to write a review, but I'd just like to say how much I enjoy GoBrunch. It's a solid product and I'm excited to see where it will go in future. Thank you for such a great and fun platform!

I would only make two suggestions:

- the option to disable guests needing to choose an avatar, especially male or female avatars, when many people identify as gender non-binary. The avatar seems unecessary, in general

- for the room URLs to have an additional part naming the user followed by the room name:

e.g. www.gobrunch/[username]/[room name]

so users can use a room name that another user has already picked. Otherwise, useful common room names will run-out quickly.

Many thanks!

Founder Team


Jul 19, 2024

Hey Shaun thank you for the review and appreciate your feedback. Cheers.
