Hi. Maybe simple query… I want to automate population of google sheet with GPT output of prompts into the table. I have it all formatted etc out now it is a manual copy and paste into the spreadsheet I can’t get the trigger to work. Would this work for these tasks? And is there an easy instruction to know how to do it? TY
Not sure about that in LTD Community Straico is the most popular. And since you are in that space and already people asked for it would increase your sales.
Q: Deepseek integration
Hi there,
Do you have any plans to integrate deepseek api?
How can you set the different claude api models?
Looking forward to hear from you?
Share ChatGPT, API integrations, Programmatic SEO, Data Enrichment in Sheets
Q: GPT to sheet formatted content
Hi. Maybe simple query… I want to automate population of google sheet with GPT output of prompts into the table. I have it all formatted etc out now it is a manual copy and paste into the spreadsheet I can’t get the trigger to work. Would this work for these tasks? And is there an easy instruction to know how to do it? TY
Share ChatGPT, API integrations, Programmatic SEO, Data Enrichment in Sheets
Q: Not working and no reply to mail
Tool not working. Mailed a long time back, no response. When will I get a reply?
Feb 20, 2025A: Hi buddy! Let me know you question? cannot find your email, could please left the comment here or write to yaroslav91@gmail.com once again
Share ChatGPT, API integrations, Programmatic SEO, Data Enrichment in Sheets
Q: Business Features like Appolo included?
It shows in the Dealterms Clay alternative and Replicate but it says Business in the Tool?
Feb 20, 2025A: Business features are included in Lifetime package.
Share ChatGPT, API integrations, Programmatic SEO, Data Enrichment in Sheets
Q: Straico included? Would buy if it is :-)
Feb 20, 2025A: Hi buddy!
The tool already have more popular alternative like OpenRoute and Groq
Share ChatGPT, API integrations, Programmatic SEO, Data Enrichment in Sheets
Verified purchaser
Not sure about that in LTD Community Straico is the most popular. And since you are in that space and already people asked for it would increase your sales.
Yup, Straico would make the difference for me too.