Heyzine Flipbooks

Product details

A lot of the fonts in your pdf examples are too small to make out.

A lot of the fonts in your pdf examples are too small to make out. 1. Is it possible to make the font bigger in the pdf? 2. How much customization do I have on this platform? 3. What does the Google analytics integration do and why isn't it included?

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    1. You should make the font bigger on the original PDF, and you can re-upload it from the heyzine editor.

    2. There is a lot of options to customize the flipbook, like changing the background, control icons, page effect, sound effects, etc. The best way to see all the options is to upload a PDF here (https://heyzine.com/#conversion). You can try almost everything without even signing up.

    3. It's an option to see the statistics about your visits on Google Analytics. It's not available on the LTD because it implies maintenance costs we can't afford. With the AppSumo plan, there is a small counter with the total number of visits on each flipbook.

    Thank you,