Heyzine Flipbooks

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Can you explain the purpose of a subdomain (which isn't even cnamed) if the flipbook just gets...

Can you explain the purpose of a subdomain (which isn't even cnamed) if the flipbook just gets embedded to the site? I'm a bit confused here. Can you also disable the option to click a youtube link inside of the book so that people don't navigate away from the site and make it possible to only play or expand the video? Is it possible to embed video links from places like adilo (video player on appsumo) so that we can get the functionality of the player with the option to get contact information? Is it also possible to darken the font as it's a bit thin and can be harder to read for some people? It also took me awhile to notice the colors used in the controls of the book to see there was an expand option. Can we change the colors here?

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    The purpose of the subdomain is to have a customized link with your brand when you want to send it by email or to social networks, for example.

    Youtube doesn't allow to remove the link to their site, but you can download the video and upload it to heyzine to make sure people don't navigate away.

    It's possible to add the Adilo video using the web embed interaction. You can try it yourself to make sure it works the way you want without even signing up: https://heyzine.com/#conversion

    You should darken or make the font bigger on the original PDF, and you can update the PDF from the heyzine editor.

    It's possible to change the style of the control icons from the editor > controls menu.

    Hope it helps!