History Search

Product details

Q: hello HS, I bought it but have few queries 1.

does it import on chrome via the chrome signed in hstory only, or also, my 2nd email id search as well? you know google saves history as per the signed in email.
so while redeming, i am not sure which email id to use

AddictedSumolingMar 27, 2019
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: This doesn't matter, History Search doesn't connect to a google/email account - but integrates within the browser where it is installed. So as long as you have the extension installed and are logged-in you're good.

There are two separate processes; indexing webpage your visit and importing history.

Indexing Webpages

Indexing webpages you visit happens through the integration with your browser(s).
When you visit a webpage the text on this page is indexed, this means only the text on the page.
This is then stored and synced with your account, building an index; which is comparable to a ranking table of words which when searched lead to relating webpages.
You can search via the browser extensions, or web application, and then through your search results you receive urls History Search remember for you
Importing History

Importing history starts from your browser, but simply sends a list of url you visited to our server.
Our server then uses scrappers to visit those pages, in this case only pages that are public will return the right information - because we are not authenticated as user of course.
Pages that require login will still be imported but will not contain the same content as when you saw it.

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