Icedrive Reviews


4.32 stars
4.32 stars

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Showing 1 - 20 of 65 reviews
Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Apr 2016Deals bought: 121
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 28, 2020

Great for Automatically Backing Up Websites

I have it backing up about 50 WP sites right now and everything is working great. This with UpdraftPlus and you have reliable auto backups. Simple to setup and configure.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Apr 2016Deals bought: 121
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 28, 2020

Great for Automatically Backing Up Websites

I have it backing up about 50 WP sites right now and everything is working great. This with UpdraftPlus and you have reliable auto backups. Simple to setup and configure.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Mar 2016Deals bought: 31
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: May 14, 2020

Poor Support

I have stacked 4x deals because I was convinced that this team was reliable...

I have had an open support ticket without any comments for 3 weeks already - and I have done a follow up myself...

I hope that this gets better overtime soon, because otherwise I would be really, really dissapointed.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Apr 2015Deals bought: 45
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: May 2, 2020

Buggy, But Great Value

Be careful uploading folders. I uploaded a few larger items, it said transfer was successful, deleted old files of my computer. Well, all the files didn't make it, about 20 percent missing. I was advised to try the portable app in the future. I haven't noticed any missing files since, but the portable app is quite laggy and slow to respond to clicks.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Sep 2011Deals bought: 140
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: May 1, 2020

Not what I expected - found issues

I was excited about this deal and even stacked 2. After trying it I realized a couple of things that pretty much made this deal useless to me. Here were the critical issues found:

1. Files need to be refreshed on the browser to sync and sometimes don't sync. After asking support about this this is what they said ""The app does not and should not at this point support any kind of sync (incl. 3rd-party apps)"

2. You cannot preview files! Although images work, if I cannot preview simple text or word files then what's the point?!

They might fix these issues later. If you are willing to wait stick it out, needless to say I'm cancelling this.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi there,

Lets be clear here, what you did is follow the below ludicrous tutorial for drop box and completely messed everything up, and asked us for support, which we offered:

Why on earth would you do the above? It is absolutely crazy

You then claim we dont offer previews, even for simple text files,...

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