
    Lifetime deal

    Collect, develop, and prioritize the right ideas with the right people in one platform

    Just like football and setting the socially-distant Thanksgiving table, innovation is a team sport.

    But when your big ideas constantly get lost in crumpled sticky notes, collapsed email threads, and endless meetings, your team gets further and further away from scoring.

    You need a better way to brainstorm and bring ideas to life together in one platform.

    You need Ideanote.


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    Launch powerful idea collections and collaborate with your team, customers, partners, or guests
    Alternative to: Brightidea and Crowdicity
    Develop, manage, and track ideas in a fully customizable and intuitive workflow
    Best for: Small marketing agencies, product teams, and sales departments looking for a central hub to innovate together


    Ideanote is an all-in-one innovation platform that empowers your team to capture, develop, and prioritize your best business ideas.

    Ideanote gives you access to your own branded workspace, so you can collect ideas, engage the right people, and measure impact.

    First, launch an idea collection centered around a question or pain point.

    If you don’t know where to start, Ideanote offers 100+ templates designed to spark conversation around your product, process, or project.

    Invite the relevant people via email or an access link to comment, ask more questions, or submit their own ideas.

    Each member gets their own profile to manage ideas, view progress and customize settings.

    Invite members to comment, ask questions, and submit their own ideas! Each member gets their own profile.

    Now it’s time to let the brainstorming begin!

    You can easily manage all your ideas in Ideanote’s visual idea management dashboard—from lightbulb moment to execution.

    Streamline your innovation process with a built-in five-phase funnel that lets you rate, comment on, and assign ideas. You can even mix and match as many phases as you like to build your own custom funnel.

    Once your ideas are ready to take flight, you can drag and drop them into phases to move them forward in the process.

    Don’t just jot ideas down on paper—bring them to life in the visual idea management dashboard.

    Break free from the struggles of separate spreadsheets. Ideanote delivers instant insights into content trends, teams and contributors.

    Use different views in every idea collection for handy visualizations. Plus, you can follow ideas through their journey to track engagement, measure how your team is performing, and identify top innovators.

    You’ll be able to export your data how you want (as a CSV or in Google Sheets), and as often as you want—monthly, weekly, or daily.

    Sort and filter your entire history to find exactly what you’re looking for, without having to spend hours searching.

    Ideanote provides instant insights, so you can keep track of how your team is performing and identify top innovators.

    Without proper communication, what starts as teamwork can quickly devolve into chaos.

    Target and segment your audience to control who can submit ideas and contribute to individual phases in your mission.

    Plus, you can give individuals access to comment, rate, and assign—and remove or edit access at any time.

    Designate access for specific individuals to comment, rate, and assign, so you can keep the innovation going across departments.

    Collecting more ideas means having better ideas to choose from. That’s why Ideanote comes with a fully-customizable and responsive form widget.

    You can easily embed the widget your blog or website to gather customer feedback, suggestions, and ideas.

    Plus, Ideanote also comes with a native Unsplash integration to give you access to a collection of 700k+ high-res photos.

    You can also automate your innovation workflow with the Zapier integration that lets you push ideas to over 2,000 of your favorite apps.

    Embed Ideanote’s fully customizable widget onto your website to collect customer feedback and ideas!

    You’ve got a ton of ideas for your business—and so does your team. (Three words: Cold brew keg.)

    Don’t waste time searching through notes or trying new tools that slow you down.

    Collect, grow, and execute your ideas, fast!

    Get lifetime access to Ideanote today!

    P.S. Learn how to use Ideanote like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!

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    From the founders

    November 22, 2020

    Hi Sumo-lings 👋

    We are excited to bring back a unique deal for Black Friday 2020 🎉

    ///////////// Ideanote is back!

    The last time we talked, we promised we’d get you a Zapier integration.

    Today we’re back with an all-new Black Friday deal and the launch of our official Zapier integration.

    The best part? Zapier + a ton of other new Sumoling-requested features are all included in the LTD deal. No questions asked.

    Our all-in-one innovation platform has never been more simple, fun, and efficient. And this deal has never been sweeter. Maybe bittersweet - because this might be our very last time on AppSumo.

    So grab it while you can.

    ///////////// What’s new?

    ⚡ Zapier integration.

    -You have spoken and we have listened. With the launch of the Ideanote Zapier integration, you can finally lean back and automate your innovation workflows.

    🦜22+ new languages.

    -Hello! Hej! Hola! Salut! Konnichiwa! Sometimes ideas are best expressed in your own language so we’ve expanded our support for some of the most requested languages.

    🎯 14+ Features and Improvements

    -The list goes on. We’ve made sure to prioritize a ton of other requested features like threaded comments, deleting users, inbuilt widget embed code generator, custom branded HTML Title and Favicon, rateable comments, hidden teams, improved email privacy, attachments in comments, more font styling options, a cleaner workspace settings menu, customizable SSO login buttons, in-mission insights, dropdowns as idea field, toggle visibility for idea field titles, completely customizable widget buttons, improved file upload performance. You could not have picked a better time.

    Soon we’ll be launching advanced filtering, bulk actions, and a list view for ideas.

    ///////////// What’s up?

    Since our first launch on AppSumo we’ve all seen that Innovation is more important than ever before. It’s the time for remote innovation. Sumolings from around the world have built amazing projects and are making a difference for their teams, their people, and their products. Every day.

    A big thank you to this first generation of Sumolings for all your kind words, good ideas on our roadmap, and the journey we are on together.

    We’re still selling Ideanote as Enterprise B2B software to large corporations around the world for a list price of $2899/month. No kidding. But our love is for ideas; for giving them a place to grow. For making them count. No matter how large or small your team is, how hard the crisis has hit, or if you are a leader or a follower, a veteran CIO or a first-time innovator: We’re in this together.

    Let’s make even more ideas matter!


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