Q: I sent a pm to illow asking about the full white label function and received the following reply.

I wonder why you on appsumo leave all requests for a full white label function unanswered.
Please confirm this fact in this forum, it unsettles many summolings and should finally be answered clearly.

"We understand your discomfort about this, and we're sorry. But for the moment the branding can be hidden only from the main banner. We are considering the option of completely hiding it later, but it is not a priority nor do we have an estimated date for this, it is just under consideration.

Illow's Team."

creative_rsPLUSAug 17, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi, you can hide the powered by illow from the main screen of the banner, it's not possible to do so in the custom permission scene. This limitation is not only for appsumo but for all illow customers

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Posted: Sep 14, 2023

Dude before you start going off on the people man how about you go back and read you will see it was answered . I read all the comments already he shouldn't have to keep answering the question over and over and over again some people need to not be lazy and just read all the comments I mean they have AI now make it read it to you. The one on the front was removed but they said the one on the back where the testing or something like that was they left that one there because they still want to add features and grow their brand warranted what's good for the goose is good for the gander keep up the good work Illow.

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