iubenda Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 278 questions

Q: In the terms it states "Only for new Iubenda users who do not have existing paid accounts" so I just wanted ...

to check if we can use this on a site that we have already used or registered with a free version of iubenda? thanks.

elteadeeJul 5, 2021
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Q: What happens on you 50,001 view that month?

Do you block the visit and show an "end of world" gif?

it seems non sensical to me, to limit views of essential legal data!
why would I trust ubenda to fulfil that function then?

BuickAIApr 29, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi, the limit of the page views concerns only the Cookie Solution. When the limit of page views is reached, we send you an email to alert you and give you instructions on how to upgrade the plan. If you prefer not to upgrade, our system will deactivate the prior-blocking script functionality until the first day of the following month (the day on which the counter is reset) but the banner will...


Q: Kia Ora!

I have a pre-purchase question and with stack 3codes after this been answered please. We are running WP E-commerce sites in New Zealand. Also as an agency, how do the Bronze certificate work for New Zealand businesses to follow NZ's law and regulation. Does Iubenda support NZ versus Australia? Thanks

willykieuApr 29, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Ciao!
iubenda closely monitors the main international privacy legislations to ensure that our products meet the relevant legal requirements.
Our website explicitly indicates the countries' legislations covered by iubenda, which are:

* EU
* US
* Brazil
* Australia

This means that our products feature dedicated clauses to be compliant with the legislations listed above. These clauses had been...


Q: "The deal is not applicable to existing users but we encourage our existing users to reach out to us by writing at info@iubenda.

com and we’ll try to find a suitable solution for them too."

I'm not a user yet because this kind of stuff makes me wonder if you're "cheap" or "short-sighted" or both.

It just makes no sense to potentially upset your loyal subscribers by forcing them to continue to pay a monthly fee when others can get this deal.

At minimum, one of your current users would have to continue paying $108 per year while a new user gets a LTD for less than that?

I just don't understand why some companies on Appsumo do this.

You're willing to upset your loyal customers by charging them more? The people that stuck with you?

Even the cell phone companies don't do this anymore.

And how many of your loyal customers even know about this Appsumo deal? How much money could you really lose?

I went through this with another company I used when they offered an Appsumo deal but wouldn't let me have it after I had already used them for three years and paid over $3000.

I was pissed off! And a few other users were pissed as well.

I'm not a petty person but I was so upset that I canceled and I left them negative reviews all over the place.

Eventually, they said they would "make an exception" to give me the deal if I removed the negative reviews but I wasn't interested by then. They had already disrespected me and pissed me off.

This is just so short-sighted. I'd advise you to revise your deal.

Right now, I'm on the fence because of it.

MrStokedApr 28, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, I'm iubenda's founder and CEO.

I appreciate the time you spent in writing this feedback. It was indeed a tough call and we evaluated this for weeks before committing to it.

We've started iubenda 10 years ago and bootstrapped all the way to this point. The honest truth is that it isn't easy, and if we want to keep providing our existing customers with the best product, we must keep growing...


Q: Hi, I need to use Privacy and Cookie Policy, Cookie Solution, Terms and Conditions and Consent Solution for ...

one website in French and English.

How many licences do I need?

How many more if I add one language?


mic.cohenPLUSApr 27, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, thank you for your question! You need 10 licenses for the generation of terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy in 2 languages. It’s 5 licenses for each language. So you’ll need another 5 licenses if you want to add an extra language.
The Consent Solution doesn’t use any licenses, it is included in the Multiple deal for $177.00.
