Q: Can we have multiple subaccounts with one cname?
So my different teams have 1 subaccount for each team they are on?

May 14, 2024A: Hello, thanks for your question! So you can add the CNAME that you would like to use in settings, but this CNAME will apply to your entire organization, so users can log in through the URL you specify, but each user will have the same experience when they log in: they will see the organization that they are in and the teams that they are a part of. You can change what teams any given user is in, but everyone would need to access their team through your URL. I will add that we are including features to help silo teams more effectively so that members can only see the team that they are a part of and not who else is in the organization, and this will be out with our next release. Please let me know if you have any other questions - happy to help!
has this now been done please?
We are planning to allow one CNAME per organization for the moment, but if there is enough interest we can look into expanded options later on. Thanks for the question though!