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Can you help with how to set the CNAME up please?

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    Alex_KnowtworthyFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Hello - thanks for reaching out!

    Here are the steps we have outlined for setting up your CNAME records with Knowtworthy:

    1. Please add a CNAME record to your DNS records through your domain name registrar pointing to
    2. Then head to and click on "Organization Settings". This is the page where you can modify all of the settings related to your organization.
    3. On the same line as "CNAME" you'll see a text field which will let you change information about your organization.
    4. Add your domain and click out of the text box to have your CNAME saved. We'll start processing your request on the backend but please note that depending on how frequently your DNS records are updated this could take up to 24 hours to propagate. Once that is complete you should have access to your Knowtworthy organization through your selected domain.

    We are working on a guide post with this information, but I hope this helps!