Q: I am looking for a Recruiting manager just for jobs posted on our website (vs paying ads on actual job posting sites).

So having a webform integration would be a perfect addition to your keeping within your headhunting case scenario. This could mean I could reach out to candidate I would like to apply and send them to my "Application" page, which is just an advanced forms on my website.

And alternative is to offer API integration to other tools that already do an excellent job with forms like Gozen Forms. Then you don't have build any forms tools, just support an API to others who already built great form platforms.

Plus this will help bridge the gap with those who have requested Web version. You still keep it Windows only base, and the API to other company's forms on the website does that part of work for you.

Will this be possible?

Hobbes_Is_RealPLUSApr 22, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi,

Thank you for your suggestion. We appreciate receiving feedback from our users!

Firstly, if I understand correctly, you are asking whether it is possible to integrate data from services like GoZen Forms into Kruiters. I have reviewed the documentation on docs.gozen.io and found it quite interesting.

However, Kruiters has fields and entities that may not be compatible with custom web forms. As a result, there may be empty fields and data mismatches, which wouldn't save much time in practice.

Another option could be integrating your GoZen Forms with Google Sheets (which is already possible), converting the form to a .csv file, and then importing it into Kruiters. The challenge with this approach is that it involves multiple steps, making it prone to errors for users. Additionally, the .csv file must follow a specific format for Kruiters to accept it. This could lead to a poor user experience.

Regarding the issue with the web version, I'm afraid that even if Kruiters integrated with Gozen Forms, people without a Windows device would still be unable to access Kruiters. Therefore, I'm unsure if I fully understand your concern. Please feel free to contact help@kruiters.com to provide us with more details.

Once again, thank you for your suggestion. I hope I have helped.

Best regards,

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