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Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 125
4 stars
4 stars
Edited Aug 21, 2024

Excellent tool and support team is responsive 👌✨👍

This app is one of AppSumo's hidden gems so I'm glad I invested in it! After a series of big improvements made in the last month and a half (which is pretty fast), I felt my previous review deserved an update. I also wanted to acknowledge their team's hard work and to give them credit for being so receptive to user feedback.

Improvements made since my last review:
👍 Being able to now record your own voiceovers in tours!
👍 Step annotations in a Guide no longer result in a blank rectangle for the corresponding screenshot in the PDF export!
👍 Option to now turn off the numbering of tooltips in tours addresses the issue with tooltips skipping numbers when video steps are shown!
👍 The above resolution also addresses the issue of not being able to match the numbered steps when comparing a Tour to a Guide since the Tour oddly counts the title slide as Step #1 even though the Guide does not reference the title slide at all. So, not using numbered steps in a Tour now eliminates this confusion!
👍 It now appears iframe recording is possible and I applaud their team for their efforts on this enhancement based on user requests!

However, there are still some areas that need to be improved and addressed, including:
1) Unclear deal terms – Tier 3 users have been promised some extra upcoming tools and features such as the Desktop App and the Capture HTML feature even though the official deal terms don't guarantee any future updates for this tier. 🤔

2) Updating Steps – Adding or editing steps in a Tour will not automatically make those same adjustments to a Guide or Video and vice versa. This requires you to manually repeat those same updates in the other formats for consistency which can be time-intensive. Therefore, being able to merge newly recorded steps within each format with less effort is essential and I hope the team will simplify this process. 🙏

3) Speed of Pan and Zoom Transitions – These require a lot of manual tweaking to slow down their intense speed in a video demo. Though these edits should not require this much manual effort for each video layer, they are the result of the editor not being so intuitive. The fix for this would be for the app to automatically set all transitions to their slowest setting with the "animation extended" option turned on by default so we don't have to do this manually for each animation transition. Many people have asked for a fix to this issue since the product was launched. 😩

4) Missing Steps in PDF Export – There are fewer instructional steps in a PDF export compared to a Tour or Guide due to video steps not being included in a PDF. This discrepancy is confusing for end users who may be trying to figure out why some steps were left out when compared to the other formats. This can be resolved by automatically adding a screenshot of the video in the PDF export and including the relevant text for that step as shown in the Guide. Additionally, the alignment of PDF pages continues to be an issue as the left margin is always wider than the right. 🔎📄

5) Generating PDFs – When you click on the export button to generate a PDF, it often takes about 10 seconds before you see a download indicator in the browser. During that wait time, there is no visual indicator that it's being generated so you don't know if your click was registered or if you need to click on the export button again. Therefore, showing a visual indicator during this wait time would be helpful. ⏳

I am happy to update this review again in the future based on any improvements made to address the above areas. I hope the team continues their great work to make this product even better based on user feedback! 👏👏👏

Founder Team


Aug 30, 2024

Hi Pete,

First, I want to thank you personally for being one of our earliest and most vocal supporters. Your initial feedback meant the world to us, and I sincerely appreciate the time and energy you’ve invested in using and providing detailed feedback on Layerpath.

I completely acknowledge that we’ve let you and other AppSumo users down in several areas, especially with our ambitious promises and the delays in delivering on them. We were overly enthusiastic and, in hindsight, should have done a better job of prioritizing and only committing to what we could realistically deliver within our timelines.

For example, the custom audio voice functionality you requested has been shipped and is live in the product as of two weeks ago. If you haven’t had a chance to try it out, I highly recommend it. The July updates are available at We’ll also be sharing changelogs for August and September and will continue to do so to keep everyone informed.

I take full responsibility for pushing too hard to ship features quickly without fully considering the complexities involved, leading to stability issues and inconsistencies. This was a valuable lesson for me, and moving forward, our top priority is to ensure that what we deliver is fast, reliable, and stable. We’ve shifted our focus entirely towards stabilizing the platform over the next 40 days, addressing bugs, and refining the existing features.

As a founder, I’m committed to ensuring our AppSumo users are heard and cared for. We’ve set up a Discord channel exclusively for AppSumo users and will be available on live chat to address immediate concerns. You can also contact me directly at vinay(at)layerpath(dot)com, and I’m happy to schedule a call to discuss anything in detail!

I’m confident that with this renewed focus, we’ll earn back your trust and, hopefully, see your review reflect the improvements we’ve made. My goal is to get Layerpath to a point where you are happy to use it and feel confident giving us that full five-star rating!

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these challenges. We are deeply committed to delivering the promised product and ensuring it meets the high standards you and other users deserve.

Founder, Layerpath
