Q: LiftOS looks promising minus the VC Funding
Can you explain why you took on VC funding? Why didn't you feel you could handle this yourselves?
To me, this is scary because what's going to happen once you run out of runway?
How will this affect your quality control and longevity overall?
I've seen other companies on AppSumo who have raised capital only to show growth parts on Sumolings backs, then do nothing once they're off appsumo, and sometimes disappear.

Nov 15, 2024A: This is a possible for all companies on AppSumo, we are doing our best to keep it lean, build fast and ship value as much as we can. We have raised $1m in funds in the past and aiming to raise more soon.
Of course while there is no guarantee for the future, this is more than a project for us and we had 2 easy chances to give up on liftOS in the past 3 years and our team is very resilient and we never give up I'd say is the one thing that holds a merit in start-up survival success.