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Member since: Apr 2019Deals bought: 444
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Dec 30, 2024


I absolutely hate writing reviews like this. So conflicted.
Caveat emptor to anyone purchasing an LTD from a founder READ the terms and conditions CLOSELY (this is in NO WAY AppSumo's fault!).

Yes, they are absolutely sticking to the terms of the LTD, and while have been (IMO) minimal updates to the builder, there is simply no way (as far as I can tell) to produce a product for a client and expect to bill them for it from the app. Every time I attempt to produce an invoice, I get an error stating the required permission is only available with the "Elite paid plan," Regardless of the tier level purchased through AppSumo. It's interesting, because it requires little for Lindo to pass along the Stripe token and authenticate to an existing Stripe account. They could arguably increase their take in the form of a commission or upcharge on the processing fees. Nevertheless it's not that big of a deal for me as I bill my client work through other means.

The naming conventions to get whitelabling to work are at best convoluted, requiring 8 DNS zone entries to get the whitelabling to work, which is fine except that communications email can only come from the app domain itself and not from a regular email channel I use to communicate with my clients.

The builder contains very little control over the page layout without having to regenerate the page through a gen AI query.

All of complaints with the T&Cs could be overlooked, if the product just didn't feel so immature.

SO as it stands, without 'upgrading' to some other paid plan, the purchased AS plan is only useful for little more than producing landing pages.

Too bad.
