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Member since: Aug 2020Deals bought: 250
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 17, 2022

10 Stars, Please!!!!

OMGosh, this might be my first AppSumo review...I love LinkJoy so much and I did the comparison with the competition (though I didn't try it, only checked out reviews) and the major winning factor was the clicks.

I bought one code to try it because I didn't think I needed anymore, to be honest. Holy guacamole, once I got in, an entire world opened up for me and I got incredibly creative with attribution ideas and just went nuts. I now have the agency plan and plan on using it with all of my clients, it's THAT good. Every single step has video instructions and it's just beautiful.

I absolutely love it and highly recommend it and will be creating my YouTube video on this soon (hopefully tomorrow). I'm happy to share the layout and ease of use with everyone. I am in LOVE...it's especially powerful for someone who doesn't specialize in coding or have a special skill set in designing websites, etc (I leave that to my team).

Honestly, jump ON it. One of my FAVE AppSumo purchases thus far...and I've invested a LOT here... (AppSumo forever hoorah!) Lol

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi nhien,

A Big hug from all of us a Linkjoy for this super review! Stuff like this keeps us going :)

