Hazlo.ai Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 73 questions

Q: Is Hazlo still supported?

The certificate expired on June 29, 2024, making the system non-functional, and I haven't heard back from the support team. It's a real pity because this tool is amazing.

ceeportloaPLUSJul 9, 2024
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Q: Just like another poster below, I too have questions about the future of Hazlo.

What is the current status of this product? It would be great if you could be transparent about current priorities even if it means a disruption in the active development of the product, just so that there is clarity and trust in the future of the product.

I was liking the direction you and your team were taking with biweekly/monthly update mails, a feedback portal etc., but everything seems to have come to a standstill in the last month and a half. Couldn't spot any changes on your site either. I tried reaching out to you via the chat feature in Hazlo in the last few days, but did not get any response.

I hope you understand that an early stage startup going silent right after an LTD seems a little worrisome πŸ˜…

548cd9d3857841b393dac0230c13de32Sep 10, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey,

Thanks a lot for reaching out! I'm really sorry you weren't able to reach out to us on the chat feature: that is very odd, we're live almost on all timezones, every day, and get back to any missed chats as soon as we can. This is a major concern & I'll look into this right away β€” it would be great if you could share your query on the chat again, or just reach to the team or me at...


Q: What is an inference, and how would those limitations affect me?

CrowmaticPLUSAug 31, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey,

Thanks a lot for reaching out! Inferences per minute are simply the number of API calls that a specific IP is allowed to make to Hazlo's servers. It's really only to protect the system from DDoS attacks & hasn't been a problem for any of our users. In the unlikely event that you do cross the inferences for a given minute, you can simply wait for the next minute; furthermore, if you do...


Q: Hi Ojas, Just a quick question as to the future of Hazlo.

Is the product still being actively developed? You mentioned some time ago about UI improvements etc. but activity seems to have stopped, including your marketing activity on social etc. Just wondering about where you're taking Hazlo going forward or whether you are now focussed on other things?

Many thanks,


harryb43PLUSAug 18, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey,

Thanks a ton for reaching out, and I'm really sorry if it seems like we're not doing enough. It's just that we're a tiny team & are currently trying our best to fix up all the bugs that come in production β€” plus are also in the frantic course of hiring our first few people (We actually don't have a 'social' media group, since I take care of all outreach, it's just me posting stuff :) You...


Q: Not to be a bummer or negative.

But I used your Store Clothing reviews https://hazlo.ai/e/4lB9ChGA to test clothing store reviews and your system prediction accuracy in real world. I went to https://www.google.com/search?tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:10&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=ALeKk01D4PJmA2014Pn6w9f1z8ASkLAC_A:1626888848068&q=womens+clothing+reviews&rflfq=1&num=10&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_y4Kf2fTxAhXKB80KHQ-aCOYQjGp6BAgYEFM&biw=1868&bih=1184#lrd=0x89d5033fffda07e1:0x38ff752e699963f0,1,,,&rlfi=hd:;si:4107130227385787376,a;mv:[[43.944950399999996,-78.840828],[43.8814779,-78.9440689]]

And copy and pasted reviews from there into https://hazlo.ai/e/4lB9ChGA . Sorry to say that the accuracy of the predictions where way off! Try it out your self on this obvious 1 star review:

Don't bother taking your clothes here unless they are upscale brand name items still in style. Just donate them. You'll feel good and help someone. The few dollars you might get aren't worth it.

Thought I would just post this so that you might be able to 'defend' why the results as so bad?

gevendenJul 21, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey,

Thanks a lot for reaching out & I completely understand the concern :) However, Hazlo utilises only state-of-the-art libraries to build your models β€” from sklearn to keras. These are standard algorithmic structures used by almost every entity that relies on machine or deep learning. Keeping aside some incremental optimization rates, you can be assured that the models you build on Hazlo...
