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Member since: Apr 2014Deals bought: 320
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Posted: Nov 11, 2021

The GeezerWise Voiceform Two-Step… 3+2 = 5 Codes

This was a stroke of luck for me. I didn’t know about Voiceform but I did have a need for a way to reduce friction trying to get testimonials for my business.

I create smart done-for-you list building / lead generation apps, products, and services.

That’s a competitive gig... so it’s in my interest to have ways to instil trust with people who don’t know me, haven’t done business with me yet, and have no reason to trust me.

I believe if I can reduce or eliminate their apprehension about what I offer before they can think up the questions, I stand a pretty good chance of getting the sale with much less fuss over my not so cheap prices.

The ideology behind people resisting typing up stuff in a feedback form is sound… I hate typing even THIS REVIEW but I’m doing it because AS hasn’t yet reduced feedback friction in here.

Anyway, I’m an old guy who is never bothered to try something that even just sounds smart and since this company is in my world…

Toronto is the other side of Vancouver Island…

I decided to buy 3 codes because that’s probably all I’ll ever need.

The purchase went slick and within 30 minutes of onboarding I created a survey before I even knew how to test it.

I then found the share link, dropped it on a friend to test for me, and while I was at it I clicked that link myself and took the survey.

That BLEW my mind... and by the time I had downloaded the audios and played back the answers, I dreamed up a swack of ideas for this app that I never thought of before.

That’s when I did the second part of the GeezerWise two-step…

I purchased the 2 remaining codes to make my buy a 5-stack and I predict anyone who missed this deal and finds out about it later won’t be happy, happy, happy! Just saying 😎✌️
