Q: Please make comparison
In order for us to understand better, could you please explain - which features we can use with:
1. Normal (private, everyday) WhatsApp number / account, and for which features we need to have ...
2. WhatsApp API.
Can we have these items put side-by-side, so we can compare.
Sep 28, 2024A: Hi, this is a great question. I will prepare a blog post and a video explaining why and when you may need WhatsApp API. Thank you for your question!!
Verified purchaser
Hi, this is a blog post about this topic. https://tochat.be/click-to-chat/2024/09/28/compare-whatsapp-whatsapp-business-and-whatsapp-api/
WhatsApp API is only mandatory if you are a team and you want to share the same number with more than 5 users. Also is mandatory for bulk messaging. Other than that, you are fine with WhatsApp Business.