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1 stars
Member since: Apr 2021Deals bought: 204Posted: Dec 6, 2021

Lacking Personality

I wanted to get Marquiz earlier this year and bought it over BF weekend. I'm now a bit disappointed. I wanted to create a personality quiz. I reached out to support to find out that it wasn't possible, and that it was being looked into.

I then took a look at the roadmap to find that it was added as an idea 9 months ago and then added to "Planned" 5 months ago. After contacting support to find out there is no ETA. It's fairly standard on all quiz platforms I have seen, and I'm shocked its not available here.

I'm not waiting to refund in 50 days, refunding now.

Founder Team


Dec 13, 2021


I’m so sorry you are not happy with your purchase.
I understand your...
