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Member since: Dec 2011Deals bought: 40
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Feb 12, 2024

It's Ok, But Clunky

Had high hopes when I bought this, but so far, after a few days using it, and placing 6 individuals on it, all 6 complained about how clunky and "frustrating" it is to use. Especially the Files. Still cannot figure out why anyone would make a FILES button where you cannot actually, ya know, UPLOAD FILES? Haha - Basically 100% of my team I've put on this has asked me to please find something more intuitive. I don't think it's the worst thing out there, but it certainly has a long way to go to be considered user friendly. A lot of the interface I just cannot imagine what they were thinking. On most project managers, 90% of the options/features are right where you'd expect them to be. Not the case here. Maybe it gets better with time as you use it and grow familiar with it? But at this point and time, compared to my first time using other project managers, this is the first time I've had to read notes from 100% of my team mates asking if we can switch to something else. So that's a red flag for me.
