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Member since: Aug 2024Deals bought: 1
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 25, 2024

Great! But even better customer support.

Here is what I like:
- The platform is easy to use
- I can integrate video, images, and even quizzes easily
- Easy to drag and drop

Here is what I don't like:
- I'm not a huge fan of the multiple choice user interface for creating quizzes
- Sometimes I forget to press save and lose my progress. Would love a "Are you sure?" button before exiting before saving.

Here is what I love:
- Customer support is unbelievably kind and supportive.

Here is the deal:
- Do it. Buy it. It is worth it. They are committed to improving the platform, so any hiccups will be taken care of. You are getting more than your money's worth for this!!!

Founder Team


Aug 27, 2024

Thank you so much Paul for the kind review. Stay tuned for the upcoming projects: full analytics module, customizable student enrolment form, course cloning, custom email messages, stripe tax integration, just name a few scheduled for the immediate future.
